
The UUFLG invites everyone into our community, without regard to race, gender, age, color, national origin, ethnic background, socioeconomic status, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.

📢 July 1, 2024 – Board Thanks & Message from Our New Minister 📢

Sunday Services

Notice: Gratefully, congregants can safely gather in the sanctuary these days with updated Gathering Guidelines in which masks are optional. We no longer regularly stream services.

July 14, 2024
Sense of Wonder
Join us this Sunday when congregant and biologist Kathy Duncan continues the theme of a sense of wonder with a presentation of a day at Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania. Photos of wildlife at Ngorongoro and stories of a magical day spent there will illustrate the power of nature’s awe. Like the safari, our sermon will be a fresh way of observing nature and inspiring the values of conservation and education.

July 21, 2024
Where Have All the Neanderthals Gone?
Many of us grew up thinking of Neanderthals as something like a “trial run” for humans–big, dumb creatures that rightfully gave way to Homo sapiens (i.e., us). Recent scientific evidence suggests this was not the case–and that many of us actually have some Neanderthal genes. This Sunday, UUFLG member Rachel Morgan will talk about what may really have happened to the Neanderthals, and how parts of them live on in us today.

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Stronger Together

To make our world better, each of us must celebrate and share our unique gifts to nurture our planet. As curious, spiritually independent people, our Fellowship strives to provide an open and supportive environment to explore the creativity, strength, and wisdom within the diverse experiences and aspirations of each of us. We find joy and meaning in such a community. And by working together, we strengthen our connections.
We are a Welcoming Congregation, intentionally and openly taking steps to welcome into our community people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

In these challenging times, here are links to vital resources:
Social assistance resources listed by the City of San José (covers wider metro area)
Santa Clara County Social Services