
The UUFLG invites everyone into our community, without regard to race, gender, age, color, national origin, ethnic background, socioeconomic status, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Sunday Services

March 23, 2024
Butterflies: Myth, Ritual & Transformation
Many ancient cultures celebrated the coming of spring, which brings both birth and rebirth. Today we will look to the “natural myth” found in the butterfly’s metamorphosis to consider our own potential for rebirth and transformation. Myth and ritual seem to aid in personal evolution, and while I’m drawn to myth and ritual, my cerebral UU side wonders why and seeks a rational answer. So we will also explore how myth and ritual may aid personal growth (although we may never understand this mystery). –Georgia Platts, Service Lay Leader

March 30, 2024
Spring Brunch
Instead of gathering in the sanctuary this Sunday, we’ll enjoy a potluck brunch to celebrate Spring. Let us know what you plan to bring and if you can help with setup or clean up. There’s a sign-up sheet in the foyer or use your handy new directory to email Rachel Morgan, our brunch coordinator. Let’s kick off a new season sharing good food with good company at the Fellowship.

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Minister’s Musings (Latest shared on 11/21/24)

Stronger Together

To make our world better, each of us must celebrate and share our unique gifts to nurture our planet. As curious, spiritually independent people, our Fellowship strives to provide an open and supportive environment to explore the creativity, strength, and wisdom within the diverse experiences and aspirations of each of us. We find joy and meaning in such a community. And by working together, we strengthen our connections.
We are a Welcoming Congregation, intentionally and openly taking steps to welcome into our community people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

In these challenging times, here are links to vital resources:
Social assistance resources listed by the City of San José (covers wider metro area)
Santa Clara County Social Services