The UUFLG invites everyone into our community, without regard to race, gender, age, color, national origin, ethnic background, socioeconomic status, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.
Sunday Services
September 8, 2024
Water Communion: Water in Ritual, Water as Ritual
Please bring a few ounces of water in a small container from a source that is meaningful to you (home tap, favorite river, pool, ocean, lake, fountain, pet shelter, etc). We will pour our waters together during the Sunday service. We’ll explore our connections to one another, to water, and to this ritual that UUs have been practicing since the 1980s, often as a symbol of autumnal ingathering. If you’d like to go even deeper in preparing for this service, consider learning a song we will share together, written & performed by Rev. Shams’ dear friend of forty years from UU youth group, Alice DiMicele, and/or checking out this UU link.
September 15, 2024
What Is My Role? (Theological Anthropology & Ecclesiology)
What is the role of the human being? Christian theology (or the study of God and meaning in a Christian context) has some subcategories with big, grad school names. These represent ideas that we can use to explore our relationship to spirituality and religion, no matter where we find ourselves on the spectrum of faith and belief. Religious scholars speak of “Systematic Theology,” which encompasses at least six inquiries, to which I (Shams) will be turning often for shared exploration and reflection. This week’s sermon is inspired by “theological anthropology.” What is the role of the human being in relationship to God/ Divinity/ The Mystery/ Spirit/ Something Greater? We may also reflect on one aspect of “ecclesiology”: What is the role of a religious leader in a (UU) congregation? Folks who want to go deeper with these topics may also enjoy reading A House for Hope: The Promise of Progressive Religion for the 21st Century by Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker and Rev. Dr. John Buehrens.
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Minister’s Musings
Stronger Together
To make our world better, each of us must celebrate and share our unique gifts to nurture our planet. As curious, spiritually independent people, our Fellowship strives to provide an open and supportive environment to explore the creativity, strength, and wisdom within the diverse experiences and aspirations of each of us. We find joy and meaning in such a community. And by working together, we strengthen our connections.
We are a Welcoming Congregation, intentionally and openly taking steps to welcome into our community people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
In these challenging times, here are links to vital resources:
Social assistance resources listed by the City of San José (covers wider metro area)
Santa Clara County Social Services