“The prophetic liberal church is the church in which all members share the common responsibility to foresee the consequences of human behavior (both individual and institutional), with the intention of making history, in place of being merely pushed around by it.” —James Luther Adams, Taking Time Seriously
Our Fellowship’s social justice initiatives come from putting our principles into action in our local and wider community. Knowing our actions make a small difference, we partner with other organizations and programs to create bigger impact. We also find that our coalition relationships sustain us through the difficult challenges of working for the common good.
Every month, we share our collection plate with organizations in the local community that rely on donations to carry out their social justice programs.
Social & Environmental Advocacy & Actions
Environmental Justice
- Various environmental projects under the Green Sanctuary Program
- Writing letters for climate change action
- Cleaning up Los Gatos Creek
Economic Justice
- Advocating for low-income housing in Los Gatos
- Contributing to local food banks
- Assembling and donating survival kits for the homeless
- Building affordable houses with Habitat for Humanity
Educational Equality
- Donating backpacks with school supplies for children in need
- Buying books for prison education programs
Immigration Justice
- Worship and education for comprehensive immigration reform
Many of our members are also members of the statewide Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California dedicated to cultivating and connecting leaders and communities and empowering the public voice of those who share Unitarian Universalist values and principles.