Activities and Programs

There are a variety of ways you can connect with our UUFLG community. You do not need to be a member of our Fellowship to participate in the activities and programs we offer. We hope you’ll join us for inspiration, fellowship and fun! Belonging through membership is the “icing on the cake.”



Sunday Service and Social Hour

Each Sunday, immediately following the service, we meet on the deck – or inside,  depending on the weather – to share conversation and beverages. Join us!

Children’s Book Exchange

Do you have books your children have outgrown? Would you like to donate them and maybe get a book or two (or three) in exchange? Bring any children’s books you no longer want to the Fellowship. There will be drop-off boxes on the deck. After the service, you and your children can help yourself to free books! The exchange occurs on the last Sunday of the month during social hour. Check our online calendar for the months it’s scheduled. Contact: Katie Stubstad,


Great Books

The Great Books Foundation “is an independent, nonprofit educational organization with a mission to help people think and share ideas.”  The local chapter meets every second Monday of the month from 7-9p. Contact: Harry Campbell *


Chalice Circle

This intimate group supports members in exploring individual paths of spiritual growth. The Chalice Circle meets via Zoom (link on UUFLG calendar) on the first and third Tuesdays of each month 10-11:30a. New members are welcome! Prior to attending, please contact Katie Rall,


On Hold – Women’s Group

This group is open to all women of the Fellowship and provides opportunities for friendship and community building. We talk about what is going on in our lives, take part in a project that benefits the Fellowship, and have a lively discussion on a topic chosen by our discussion leader. We meet on the second Thursday of the month from 10:30a to noon in the West Room of the Fellowship. Contact: Donna Brewer,


Retired Unitarian Universalist Men get together for lunch and talk about a wide variety of topics: one’s latest trip, politics, UUFLG issues, favorite jokes, etc. There is no program and there is no leader. We meet on the first and third Thursday of each month from 12-1:30p at either the Fellowship or online via Zoom (link on the UUFLG calendar). Bring a bag lunch and something to drink. Contact: Harry Campbell *


Building & Grounds Work Party

The Building and Grounds team works to maintain and improve the inside and outside of our fellowship.  We replace and upgrade wherever is needed.  We encourage those interested and able to attend our once-a-month work party – usually on the last Friday of each month, from 9 until noon.  We do not hold a formal meeting but discuss jobs to be done and match those with the talents available at the beginning of each work party.


Game Night

One Saturday each month is Game Night at the Fellowship. Enjoy friendly competition over your favorite board and parlor games as we visit, laugh and nosh. There will be a wide variety of games and feel free to bring your favorite game, too. Bring snacks and beverages to share! Read current issues of What’s Happening (under Welcome menu) to know the Saturday and location; hosting is shared between our Fellowship and the UU Fellowship of Sunnyvale. Contact: Colleen Hamilton,

Variable Days of the Week

New to UU

Interactive workshops where Unitarian Universalist principles and history are explored and connections fostered between newcomers and members.


Building and Grounds Committee

We work to maintain and improve the inside and outside of our Fellowship at a once-a-month work party, usually the last Saturday of each month from 9a to noon.

Caring Committee

The Caring Committee is intended to help and support each other and to foster connections within the Fellowship. Members help with transportation, food, caring words, visits, help in an emergency, etc. We hope everyone will join our UUFLG Cares community. Please check the online calendar for our next meeting and join us!

Membership Committee

Working to build the ties among us, the Membership Committee helps create the community that is UUFLG. By scheduling Sunday greeters, organizing social hour after services, and welcoming and following up with visitors, our team focuses on ways to sustain and grow our Fellowship. The committee organizes New to UU Orientations and New Member Recognitions twice a year. In the fall we plan the annual Pancake Breakfast and in the spring the New Member Lunch. The team also produces the Fellowship Directory. Contacts: Linda Osborne for Service greeting,, and Donna Brewer,, to discuss ways you can help make UUFLG an even more welcoming congregation.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all Fellowship moneys, and keeps a complete accounting of the finances.  The committee prepares budgets, plans and organizes the annual pledge drive, and supports major fundraising activities including the annual auction and Christmas boutique. The Finance Committee meets monthly; check the UUFLG web calendar for dates and times. Contact: Julie Matthews,

Endowment Committee

The Endowment Fund has been established to support the longterm financial stability of the Fellowship. A three (or more) member Endowment Committee is responsible for review, recordkeeping, reporting, and marketing of the Endowment Fund. The committee meets quarterly, typically on a Sunday; the meeting dates at the Fellowship can be found on our web calendar. Contact: Cindy Giesing,

Children & Youth Religious Exploration Committee

Volunteers are needed each Sunday to work with various ages in our Children & Youth Religious Exploration (CYRE) Program. Its committee meets monthly; check the UUFLG web calendar for dates and times. Contact: Colleen Hamilton,

Green Sanctuary Committee

The Green Sanctuary Committee is responsible for the development of the UUFLG’s Green Sanctuary Program (GSP). The GSP provides a path for congregational study, reflection, and action for today’s environmental challenges – including climate change and environmental justice. Successful completion results in Green Sanctuary accreditation: formal recognition of a congregation’s service and dedication to the Earth by the Unitarian Universalist Association. Our congregation will begin by examining our current environmental impact, then move towards developing sustainable practices. There are 4 focus areas:
(1) Environmental Justice acknowledges that marginalized communities are often hit first and hardest by environmental crisis. In partnering with these communities we are able to address human and environmental needs at the same time. Environmental Justice emphasizes a shift from providing charity to working in solidarity with the communities most affected by climate change.
(2) Worship and Celebration is the heart of Unitarian Universalism. As we work together towards a cleaner, more just and sustainable world, worship enables us to stay connected to each other and to celebrate the work we have accomplished.
(3) Religious Education shapes more than just minds. It shapes attitudes and practices.
(4) Sustainable Living requires us to treat the world more gently by using fewer resources and being mindful of the choices we make.
Contact: Robb Stolberg,

Social Action Committee

We strive to put our UU principles into action through service, education, and advocacy. We promote and support activities that help shape just, sustainable communities within our Fellowship, our cities, our country, and world. Contact: Georgia Platts,

Sunday Services Committee

The Sunday Services Committee helps plan and provide dynamic UUFLG services. Members assist speakers during services. We also recruit guest speakers for the Sundays, helping them plan their services as needed. Finally, we organize and facilitate periodic Spiritual Cafés and other services that do not take the standard form, such as poetry readings. We meet once a month; dates are determined each month based on members’ schedules and posted to the UUFLG calendar. Contact: Lynn Golbetz,

* Please refer to the UUFLG directory for this person’s contact information. If you do not have a directory, send a message to the activity/committee contact via, and it will be forwarded to them.