Our Fellowship
You may rent one or more rooms of the building, based on your group’s needs.
Come, enjoy our space!
Sanctuary Capacity: 100 fixed seats (125 maximum)
Seating is raked, with folding seats common to theaters. Seating capacity can be increased with folding chairs.
There is a well-maintained Steinway piano, a computer projection screen and a sound system.
West Room (Social Room)
West Room Capacity: 73 (34 seated)
The room has a folding divider to split into two smaller rooms. Access to kitchen is to the near right, out of the image. Each half of the room has separate light switches.
There are tables and chairs available for your use – 14 long tables, 4 smaller tables, 10 small round tables, 44 padded folding chairs.
The kitchen includes a refrigerator, sink, dishwasher, stove, oven, microwave, coffee makers, dishes and utensils, and other supplies. The kitchen opens off the West Room but also has access from the hall. Its use is included in our rental West Room package.
The deck has seating and tables, and is shaded. Its use is included in our rental West Room package.
East Room
East Room Capacity: 12 standing, 6 seated
The East Room has a sink and undercounter refrigerator. It’s been used for children’s religious education and childcare during functions.
Parking Lot
Parking Lot Capacity: 21 (2 handicapped, 19 regular)