Sunday Services

HRC_4440-3The Fellowship gathers on Sunday morning in the Sanctuary for our chalice lighting, singing, sharing and sermon. The service is designed around a monthly theme.

Children often participate in the chalice lighting and sing hymns​ at the beginning of the service before the adults sing “Go Now In Peace” as the children exit the sanctuary for spiritual development classes. Other times the adults are treated to special activities by our youth and their teachers. Services that are entirely intergenerational ​are programmed throughout the year, and parents may opt for their children to attend regular ​services instead of classes, as well.​


We are graced with the musical talents of Dave Coldren who makes every service more special with his joyful voice and piano accompaniment. Often other musicians complement​ Dave’s playing as he leads the congregation in song.

Since we enjoy variety in our services, we suggest newcomers attend several Sundays to get a feeling for the diversity and breadth of our offerings.